Cure for Cancer using Natural Remedies

Vitamin B17, Apricot Seeds, Minerals, and More.

What is Beta Glucan?

Beta Glucan

Beta Glucan 85

Beta-glucan… what is it?

Beta-glucan is a safe, natural fiber molecule extracted from the cell walls of yeast and other substances, resulting in supplements that better your immune system. Beta-glucan is being researched by scientists all over the world. Their research has revealed the many benefits of beta-glucan. Not only does this safe supplement work with the immune system to help kill cancer, but it works with other drugs helping to overcome cancer as well.

Beta-glucan makes your immune system smarter. Unlike other drugs, beta-glucan does not stimulate the immune system. Rather, it activates or modulates the immune system. In other words, echinacea and colostrum are substances that stimulate the immune system, but beta-glucan activates the immune system. This way beta-glucan never over stimulates one of the many reasons it is so beneficial.

Beta-glucan enhances the production, the size, and the functions of the ¨good¨ cells to carry out the war against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and microbes.

There are many sources from where beta-glucans derive: yeast, seaweed, mushrooms, oats, barley, and the list goes on (up to 1500 sources). Even though it comes from yeast, beta-glucan is an isolate, where all potentially harmful proteins are removed so those who are allergic to yeast will not be negatively affected.

Beta-glucan is not only good for treating cancer, but beta-glucan also helps protect your body in various ways:

– Fights infections of all kinds

– Increases your antibody production

– Helps with diabetes

– Lowers sugar levels

– Lowers cholesterol

– Helps with radiation burns

– Prevents the spreading of your cancer


– Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

– Crohn´s disease

– Fibromyalgia

– Allergies

– Hepatitis

– Lyme´s disease

– Asthma

– Rheumatoid arthritis

– Cold, Flu, Swine flu H1N1

– Eczema

– Increases the defense of your body after treatments like radiation and chemotherapy

– Multiple sclerosis

Now that you know what beta-glucans are, it’s important to understand the difference in sizes and their benefits. Be sure to always look for beta-glucans that have small particle sizes (one to two microns) for the best absorption as many low-quality glucans contain large particulate sizes that tend to clump together once ingested.

Along with the information provided here, do your own research to ensure beta-glucan is right for you.