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OUR DISCLAIMER This is MUST READ INFORMATION… Terms, Restrictions and Conditions of Use The information presented through this WWW site is presented for educational purposes only. PLEASE READ THIS DISCLAIMER CAREFULLY. If you do not agree to this disclaimer, please EXIT this site immediately.. Because there is always some risk involved when changing diet and lifestyles, the author(s) is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result. Please do not apply the techniques or the information from this book if you are not willing to assume the risk. If you do use the information contained in this book without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) assumes no responsibility. The information presented throughout this book is not medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it intended to propose or offer to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a physician or medical professional. This book contains links to Internet sites. These links are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in said site has been endorsed or approved by this site. Finally, if you are an FDA Agent, or other government employee seeking to challenge or bring about some sort of action to shut down this book, we direct you to SCIENTIFIC FACTS. Here you will find sufficient data to answer all your questions. In addition, this website and the information was published in the Dominican Republic. On the other hand, if you are an individual just looking for the basis of the information in this book, we invite you to read SCIENTIFIC FACTS, as well. We trust this document will answer all your questions. The people responsible for this book are not medical professionals. We publish the information in this book as a public service. Most all of the information, except for our opinions, were taken from other resources, which reside in the public domain. We assert our right of freedom of expression, to take issue with the medical professions conflict of interest regarding cancer treatment and prevention. While we hope the information presented in this book is helpful, what you do with it is your own responsibility. Anyone reading this book is wise enough to follow one’s own counsel and therefore acknowledges that I cannot, do not, and will not tell anyone what to do.