Cure for Cancer using Natural Remedies

Vitamin B17, Apricot Seeds, Minerals, and More.

Raw Bitter Apricot Seeds

Raw Bitter Apricot Seeds

Vitamin B17 found in Raw Bitter Apricot Seeds

Pharmaceutical companies only conduct studies on patented chemicals they invent so that at the end of their study, if the drug gets approved, they have sole rights on its sale (They exponentially make back more than the mere millions they invested).

One thing pharmaceutical companies don’t do studies on is types of foods because food cannot be patented, therefore there is no profit.

The information on this site is not just for preventing cancer, it is for everyone: those that have cancer now and are on chemo or radiation, people who have cancer but haven’t started any conventional methods yet, and people who don’t have cancer.

Most people that have cancer clusters in their body and eat the apricot seeds, or take the vitamin B17 in tablet form, show near to complete tumor regression.

Cancer takes a hard toll on the body, this is an irrefutable fact. Even after beating cancer most patient still suffer from severe organ damage.

Don’t worry, herbs and remedies can help with proper organ regeneration. Of course when a person’s body is completely eaten up by cancer, the raw apricot seeds and its extract  can only prolong their life more effectively than chemotherapy, yet it might not completely save them.

However, in many cases high levels of Vitamin B17 Injections (commonly called Amygdalin or laetrile) will help a great deal with the pain.

Whether you have breast cancer, colon cancer, melanoma, Leukemia, lung cancer, lymphoma or prostrate cancer the effects of cancer are devastating. The effects of chemotherapy radiation (conventional medical treatment) occur months and years after treatment. There’s alternative treatments for any type of cancer.

The information provided on this website will guide you to a cancer free life or help your body get rid of cancer if you have it.